Freedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASES CCLA & CJFE Mounting Charter Challenge Against Bill C-51 TORONTO (July 21, 2015) — The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and Canadian Journalists for…CCLAJuly 21, 2015
PRESS RELEASES La Loi C-51 Est Adoptée Mais De Sérieuses Préoccupations En Matière De Droits Humains Persistent Depuis le dépôt du Projet de loi C-51 au Parlement en janvier dernier, les principales…CCLAJune 29, 2015
Freedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSNational SecurityPRESS RELEASESPRIVACY On to The Courts: Bill C-51 Passed by Senate The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is deeply disappointed that Bill C-51 (Anti-Terrorist Act, 2015)…CCLAJune 9, 2015
CRIMINAL JUSTICEFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPRESS RELEASESSolitary Confinement Government must end solitary confinement of mentally ill prisoners. PRESS RELEASE: Canadian prisons need to drastically re-evaluate their use of solitary confinement, especially where…CCLAMarch 10, 2010