CRIMINAL JUSTICECruel & Unusual PunishmentFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingSentencing Upholding the Right to be Free From Cruel and Unusual Punishment at the Supreme Court CCLA appears before the Supreme Court of Canada in two cases, R v Hills and…Abby DeshmanMarch 22, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionConstitutional RemediesCRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityRight to Silence Protecting the Right to Silence and Ensuring Meaningful Remedies When Police Violate the Charter CCLA is appearing before the Supreme Court of Canada to reinforce the limits of state…Guest AuthorFebruary 14, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionEDUCATIONEQUALITYGET INFORMEDGuidesIndigenous PeoplePolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPolice Transparency, Oversight & AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial ProfilingRight to CounselRight to SilenceUnreasonable Search & SeizureYouth CCLA Launches Latest Tool to Combat Carding & Racial Profiling The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) today released their next salvo in the fight against…Noa Mendelsohn AvivDecember 13, 2021
CRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial, Due Process & Sentencing CCLA Pushes for a Strong, Independent Check Against Wrongful Convictions David Milgaard and Thomas Sophonow are just two of the dozens of people who our…Abby DeshmanAugust 22, 2021
CRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingSentencing CCLA Applies to Intervene at Supreme Court of Canada in Sentencing Process Cases On May 18, pro bono counsel representing the CCLA appeared before the Supreme Court of…Abby DeshmanMarch 12, 2021
Fair Trial, Due Process & SentencingPODCAST Justice Vs. Bail: Canada’s Broken Criminal Justice System We talk to Dr. Jane Sprott and James Fauvelle. Dr. Sprott is a professor in…CCLADecember 30, 2020
COVID-19CRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial, Due Process & Sentencing Ad Hoc Tribunals During Public Emergencies We can be justifiably smug in Canada about our internationally renowned independent judiciary, in contrast…Michael BryantDecember 4, 2020
CRIMINAL JUSTICECriminal Records & Collateral ConsequencesDisabilityEQUALITYFair Trial RightsFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingNot Criminally ResponsibleSex Offender Registries A Victory for Justice and Equality: SCC Finds Ontario Law Discriminates Based on Mental Disability In a strong decision released today, the Supreme Court of Canada has decided that Ontario’s…Cara ZwibelNovember 20, 2020
Conditions of ConfinementCruel & Unusual PunishmentPRESS RELEASESStrip Searches Class Action Launched re Illegal Strip Searches A major class action is being launched today on behalf of Canadians illegally strip searched…Abby DeshmanJuly 7, 2020
COVID-19COVID-19 & Law EnforcementCRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial RightsFair Trial, Due Process & Sentencing CCLA to Ontario: Clarify How People Can Fight Fines Two days ago we wrote to the Ontario government about the fact that people are…Cara ZwibelApril 24, 2020