Conditions of ConfinementCRIMINAL JUSTICEDisabilityEQUALITYFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPRESS RELEASESPrisons, Jails & Community Supervision Rights groups challenging solitary confinement in court release joint statement on Bill C-83 Today the three organizations fighting the federal government in BC and Ontario courts on solitary…CCLAOctober 16, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+PRESS RELEASES UPDATE: CCLA and ETFO Sex-Ed Legal Challenges to be Heard Together The Divisional Court determined the other week that the applications of the Canadian Civil Liberties…CCLASeptember 24, 2018
MAJOR CASES & REPORTSMass SurveillanceNational SecurityPRESS RELEASESPRIVACYSurveillance & Technology CCLA, INCLO and Others Welcome Historic Win Against Mass Surveillance in UK In a landmark win for seven INCLO members, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)…Brenda McPhailSeptember 14, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+PRESS RELEASES CCLA Joins Coalition Calling For Ontario Government To Reinstate 2015 Sex-Ed Curriculum March for Our Education, Leadnow and the undersigned are unswayed by the Minister of Education’s…CCLAJuly 17, 2018
Freedom of AssociationFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASES Premier Ford’s Back-To-Work Legislation Will Violate Civil Liberties, Hurt Students The Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario have joined with striking…CCLAJuly 16, 2018
CRIMINAL JUSTICEFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPRESS RELEASESRight to Protest INCLO Report Release: Defending Dissent: State Practices that Protect and Promote the Right to Protest INCLO and the IHRC launched a report today that provides practical guidance on how law enforcement…CCLAJune 27, 2018
Information SharingNational SecurityPRESS RELEASESPRIVACY INCLO Launches New Report: “Unanswered Questions – International Intelligence Sharing” New report reveals lack of transparency of intelligence sharing agreements at the international level.CCLAJune 11, 2018
Conditions of ConfinementCRIMINAL JUSTICEDisabilityEQUALITYFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPRESS RELEASESPrisons, Jails & Community SupervisionSolitary ConfinementYouth Keep Your Promise On Solitary Confinement, Groups Tell Ottawa Rights groups in legal challenges unite to urge government to comply with court orders.CCLAMay 14, 2018
EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & EthnicityWomen Bill 62 (Niqab Ban) Guidelines Cannot Save An Unconstitutional… The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAMay 11, 2018
PRESS RELEASES CCLA Recommendations on York U Strike March 29, 2018 (Toronto, ON) – After exchanges this week between York U’s President and…CCLAMarch 29, 2018