Freedom of AssociationFreedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS Litigation, Costs and Public Interest Groups – CCLA Intervening to Clarify the Law The CCLA, in conjunction with the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) and Democracy Watch, were granted…Tashi Alford-DuguidOctober 20, 2023
Criminal Prohibitions on SpeechFreedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSNational SecurityPRIVACY National Security and Parliament’s Role – CCLA Intervening in Ontario Case Should our elected representatives on a committee to oversee our national security agencies have the…Cara ZwibelOctober 3, 2023
Freedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASESRegulation of Online Expression CCLA Reacts to Peterson Decision TORONTO — Noa Mendelsoh Aviv, Executive Director and General Counsel of the Canadian Civil Liberties…CCLAAugust 23, 2023
COVID-19FRONT BURNER ISSUESMobility Decision in Taylor v. Newfoundland Case On May 11, 2020, CCLA sent a letter to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador…Tashi Alford-DuguidAugust 17, 2023
CRIMINAL JUSTICEDONATEEDUCATIONEQUALITYFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASESPRIVACY Canadian Civil Liberties Association Launches Fund Honouring Clayton Ruby’s Storied Legacy of Social Justice Advocacy TORONTO — In commemoration of the late Clayton Ruby's extraordinary impact on advancing social justice…CCLAJuly 27, 2023
Freedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSRegulation of Online Expression CCLA in Court to Address Regulatory Overreach and Defend Freedom of Expression The CCLA spoke before Ontario’s Divisional Court on June 21, 2023 to address overreach by…Tashi Alford-DuguidJune 22, 2023
Freedom of AssociationFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS Workers’ Rights, Freedom of Association, and Holding the Government to Account: CCLA Intervenes in Ontario Wage Cap Appeal CCLA is intervening before the Ontario Court of Appeal in a case about freedom of…Tashi Alford-DuguidJune 22, 2023
Freedom of AssociationFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS Workers’ Rights, Freedom of Association, and Holding the Government to Account: CCLA Intervenes in Ontario Wage Cap Appeal CCLA is intervening before the Ontario Court of Appeal in a case about freedom of…Tashi Alford-DuguidJune 16, 2023
EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionPRESS RELEASES NCCM and CCLA Statement on Quebec Superior Court Decision on Prayer Ban MONTREAL — This morning, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and the Canadian Civil Liberties…CCLAJune 14, 2023
EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionPRESS RELEASES NCCM and CCLA Litigating Prayer Ban MONTREAL — The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), and…CCLAJune 13, 2023