Uncategorized CCLA Mourns The Loss Of Professor Louis Greenspan The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAMay 14, 2018
EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & EthnicityWomen Bill 62 (Niqab Ban) Guidelines Cannot Save An Unconstitutional… The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAMay 11, 2018
Uncategorized Open Letter To Google, Amazon, Microsoft And Apple The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 23, 2018
PRIVACYSearch & Seizure CCLA At Scc: Privacy In The Classroom… And Everywhere… The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 20, 2018
CRIMINAL JUSTICE Bill C45: Re-Criminalizing Cannabis The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 18, 2018
Uncategorized Locking Up The Poor For Being Poor: CCLA At… The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 17, 2018
EQUALITYRace, Religion & EthnicityRefugees & Immigration CCLA Writes An Open Letter To Minister Of Immigration… The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 6, 2018
Conditions of ConfinementCRIMINAL JUSTICEDisabilityEQUALITYFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPrisons, Jails & Community SupervisionSolitary ConfinementYouth CCLA Court Challenge To Solitary Confinement: The Next Step The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAApril 6, 2018
Uncategorized Civil Society Statement Regarding Bill C-59 We, the undersigned civil society organizations and individual experts, are concerned that C-59 does not…CCLAApril 5, 2018
Uncategorized Federal Court of Appeal Set a Disturbingly Low Bar for Reporting Charter Problems On March 20, 2018, more than a year after hearing arguments in the matter of…CCLAApril 3, 2018