Arbitrary DetentionCRIMINAL JUSTICEEQUALITYPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial Profiling CCLA argues against expanded police detention powers at Supreme Court CCLA is intervening in a case before the Supreme Court to argue that the police…CCLAAugust 10, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionCRIMINAL JUSTICEEQUALITYPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial Profiling La lutte contre le profilage racial se poursuit devant les tribunaux et dans les communautés POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE LA LUTTE CONTRE LE PROFILAGE RACIAL SE POURSUIT DEVANT LES TRIBUNAUX ET…CCLAJuly 7, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionCRIMINAL JUSTICEEQUALITYMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial Profiling Racial Profiling on Trial: an Update from the Frontlines Last year the CCLA became involved in a constitutional challenge to the laws that grant…Abby DeshmanJune 28, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionCRIMINAL JUSTICEEQUALITYPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial Profiling Trial Begins in Major Constitutional Challenge Targeting Racial Profiling The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is joining with a diverse group of civil society…CCLAMay 30, 2022
Arbitrary DetentionEDUCATIONEQUALITYGET INFORMEDGuidesIndigenous PeoplePolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPolice Transparency, Oversight & AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial ProfilingRight to CounselRight to SilenceUnreasonable Search & SeizureYouth CCLA Launches Latest Tool to Combat Carding & Racial Profiling The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) today released their next salvo in the fight against…Noa Mendelsohn AvivDecember 13, 2021
CRIMINAL JUSTICEEQUALITYPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityRace, Religion & EthnicityRacial Profiling CCLA Intervenes in Court Challenge Against Racial Profiling The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is intervening in a constitutional challenge before the Superior Court…CCLAJuly 20, 2021
CRIMINAL JUSTICECriminal Records & Collateral ConsequencesCriminal Records & Police Record ChecksRacial Profiling CCLA to Appear Before Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario in Police Background Checks Case Thairu Taban and Josslyn Mounsey were hired by Metrolinx as Transit Safety Communications Operators. They…CCLAJune 29, 2021
Rethinking Community Safety /wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Rethinking-Community-Safety-A-Step-Forward-For-Toronto-Full-Report-12.pdf