EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & EthnicityRefugees & ImmigrationWomen CCLA and NCCM Launch Legal Challenge Against Quebec’s Bill 62 (Montreal – November 7, 2017) – The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the National…CCLANovember 7, 2017
CCLA in The Supreme Court: Freedom of Religion /wp-content/uploads/2021/07/ENG-Application-for-Judicial-Review-and-Application-for-an-Interim-Stay-AS-FILED.pdf
EQUALITYFreedom of ReligionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSRace, Religion & EthnicityWomen Quebec Bill 62 Infringes on Freedom of Religion and Equality The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLAOctober 17, 2017
EQUALITYRefugees & Immigration UN Review Should Urge Canada to Reform Immigration Detention System The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is among national and international human rights groups, led by…CCLAOctober 5, 2017
CRIMINAL JUSTICEDeescalation & Use of ForceDisabilityEQUALITYPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPRESS RELEASESRace, Religion & Ethnicity CCLA Announcement: Coalition Calls for Implementation of Loku Inquest Recommendations The tragic shooting death of Andrew Loku should never have occurred. It took place within…CCLAOctober 3, 2017
Conditions of ConfinementCRIMINAL JUSTICEDisabilityEQUALITYFighting Solitary ConfinementMAJOR CASES & REPORTSPrisons, Jails & Community SupervisionYouth CCLA Segregation Challenge The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will challenge the Government of Nova Scotia’s exceptionally broad injunction limiting…CCLASeptember 13, 2017
Uncategorized The Relationship Between Bill C-59 and Bill C-51 C-59 was supposed to fix the unconstitutional changes introduced in Bill C-51, the former government’s…CCLASeptember 12, 2017
Uncategorized Understanding CSIS Disruption Powers in Bill C-59 CSIS was created in response to the McDonald Commission, which undertook a lengthy investigation into…CCLASeptember 12, 2017
National SecurityPRIVACY The New Communications Security Establishment Act in Bill C-59 Currently, the CSE’s role is sketched out as part of the the National Defence Act,…CCLASeptember 12, 2017
Uncategorized Information Sharing and Disclosure in Bill C-59 Constrained information sharing for national security purposes between government agencies and departments has always happened,…CCLASeptember 12, 2017