CRIMINAL JUSTICEDecriminalization 10 things that will still be a crime after cannabis is legalized The cannabis industry is being legalized – but there are still plenty of laws that…CCLAOctober 16, 2018
CRIMINAL JUSTICEFair Trial, Due Process & SentencingRight to Reasonable Bail Bill C-75: Right Goals, Wrong Tools Over the next few weeks, witnesses will gather on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to share…CCLASeptember 25, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+PRESS RELEASES UPDATE: CCLA and ETFO Sex-Ed Legal Challenges to be Heard Together The Divisional Court determined the other week that the applications of the Canadian Civil Liberties…CCLASeptember 24, 2018
Democratic RightsFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS Contact Your MPP to Stop the Misuse of the Notwithstanding Clause Urge your MPP to vote against the Ontario government’s proposed usage of the notwithstanding clause.CCLASeptember 12, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+ CCLA Takes Legal Action to Fight the Rollback of a Modern, Inclusive 2015 Sex-Education Curriculum Today, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and a courageous family have started the legal fight…CCLAAugust 23, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+ Taking the Fight for Inclusive Sex-Education in Ontario to the Steps of Queen’s Park n Tuesday, Aug. 14, thousands of Ontario teachers and activists gathered at Queen’s Park in Toronto…CCLAAugust 14, 2018
Face SurveillanceMass SurveillancePRIVACYSurveillance & Technology A Quick Win For Privacy Rights: CCLA vs. Cadillac Fairview Cadillac Fairview, the company that owns numerous popular malls, said it will pause the use…CCLAAugust 7, 2018
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+Women Update – Changes To Ontario’s Sex-Ed Curriculum: CCLA Taking It To The Next Level CCLA believes that the 2015 Ontario Sex Education curriculum should NOT be replaced with the…CCLAAugust 3, 2018
EQUALITYFreedom of ExpressionFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMSLGBTQ2S+Right to Protest March For Our Education On Saturday July 21st, hundreds of people gathered at the March For Our Education event at Queen’s…CCLAJuly 23, 2018
CRIMINAL JUSTICEMass SurveillancePolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityPRIVACYSurveillance & TechnologyUnreasonable Search & Seizure CCLA Urges Toronto to Delay Purchase of Gunshot-Location Technology ShotSpotter The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has serious concerns regarding the impact of new police surveillance…CCLAJuly 23, 2018