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Policing In Canada: Executive Summary

Policing Canada is an assessment commissioned by the Government of Canada and produced by the Council of Canadian Academies. Police in Canada are facing unprecedented internal and external challenges, many of which are rooted in the changing context in which police now operate. At the same time, significant new opportunities are emerging that can help police services to prosper in the evolving safety and security landscape. Using available evidence from Canada and around the world, this assessment strives to better understand how policing may be carried out more effectively in the future.

Main Findings Of The Assessment

The Council found that:

  • The structure of Canadian police organizations needs to adapt to new contexts, including working with non-police organizations in a “safety and security web”
  • Successful policing models require police to leverage the specialized capabilities and resources in the safety and security web.
  • Accountability structures must be created in the safety and security web
Policing Canada in the 21st Century – Police Accountability
Who Produced The Report?

This report was generated by the Council of Canadian Academies, an independent, not-for-profit organization that supports independent, science-based expert assessments to inform public policy development in Canada. This report strives to identify emerging issues, gaps in knowledge, Canadian strengths, and international trends and practices on policing. This assessment will provide government decision-makers, researchers, and stakeholders with high-quality information required to develop informed and innovative public policy on policing in Canada. Read the full report for more details on the future of policing in Canada.

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