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CCLA actively stands up to power by fighting against rights violations, abuse of police powers, inequality, and discrimination. We stand for freedom, equality, and a better future for all people in Canada.

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Our Work Centres Around Our Five Core Areas

We believe in


Equality – which includes equity, diversity, and inclusion – recognizes that every person is equal in value and worth, and each is deserving of fairness, dignity and rights.

We believe in


Fundamental Freedoms allow individuals and groups to express themselves, to believe and practice what they choose, and to exercise their right to vote.

We believe in


We work to ensure that constitutional rights are respected at every step of the criminal justice system, and that the extraordinary powers conferred to police and criminal courts are used proportionately, fairly, humanely, and only when absolutely necessary.

We believe in


We bring a principled and rights-focused approach to assessing the impact of new technologies and surveillance, in areas ranging from policing methods to people’s public and private lives.

We Believe In


CCLA & CCLET provide free workshops, seminars, and in-class sessions in schools, educational institutions, and faculties of education, educating citizens about their rights and freedoms.

What's Happening Right Now

March 7, 2025

CCLA on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Ruling in the Working Families Case: An Important Victory for Democracy

It is profoundly regrettable that the Ontario government chose to use the notwithstanding clause to override freedom of expression. Today’s decision from the SCC, recognizing that Ontario’s limits on third-party…
Freedom of AssociationFUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS
February 21, 2025

CCLA Opposes New Limits on Right to Strike

MONTREAL — Anaïs Bussières McNicoll, Director of the Fundamental Freedoms Program at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), made the following statement: We are deeply alarmed by the content of Bill…
EQUALITYLGBTQ2S+Refugees & Immigration
February 21, 2025

Civil Society Groups Call for Immediate Suspension of Safe Third Country Agreement With United States of America

TORONTO — The Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, Rainbow Railroad, and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association are calling on the federal government to immediately suspend the Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement. The U.S.…
CRIMINAL JUSTICEPolice Powers, Use of Force & Police AccountabilityUnreasonable Search & Seizure
February 18, 2025

CCLA Intervening Before Supreme Court in R. v. Singer to Protect Privacy in the Home from Police

The CCLA will appear today as an intervenor before the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of R. v. Singer. This case is about the scope of the “implied…

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In The News

January 30, 2024

CTV News: More than 80% of inmates in Ontario jails last year were legally innocent, awaiting trial: data

“We at CCLA, like others, we care about public safety,” Rahim said."We just want to think about what we can do within our bail system to have it run effectively.”…
Emergencies ActFreedom of AssociationFreedom of ExpressionIN THE NEWS
January 23, 2024

CBC News: Ottawa’s use of Emergencies Act against convoy protests was unreasonable, violated Charter, court rules

Noa Mendelsohn Aviv, executive director of the CCLA, said their win sets a clear and critical precedent for future governments. "Emergency is not in the eye of the beholder. Emergency…
October 17, 2023

The Guardian: Canada province uses constitutional override to advance pronoun legislation

“The government of Saskatchewan is threatening to shred a piece of the charter this Tuesday, and in so doing violate the rights, the freedom, the privacy, the equality and the…
CRIMINAL JUSTICEIN THE NEWSReasonable Expectations of PrivacySearch & Seizure
August 11, 2023

CBC: Arctic Bay residents raise concerns after RCMP search mail

Shakir Rahim, a lawyer and director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's criminal justice program, said it raises "serious concerns." Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states…

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