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TalkRights features content produced by CCLA volunteers and interviews with experts in their own words. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the CCLA’s own policies or positions. For official publications, key reports, position papers, legal documentation, and up-to-date news about the CCLA’s work check out “THE LATEST” section of our website.

Want to learn about national security issues and Canada’s national security agencies but don’t know where to begin? Here’s a list of recent articles compiled by a TalkRights volunteer to get you started.


“CSIS Director Warns of State-Sponsored Espionage Threat to 5G Networks”, Robert Fife, Steven Chase, Colin Freeze, December 4th, 2018, the Globe and Mail

“Some of CSIS’s practices still fall outside the law: spy watchdog” Catharine Tunney, June 20th, 2018, CBC News

“CSIS gathered info on peaceful groups, but only in pursuit of threats: Watchdog” Jim Bronskill, December 19th, 2018, CBC News

“After 17-year deportation fight over alleged terrorism ties, Toronto man sues federal government for $34m” Brian Platt, January 4th, 2019, National Post

“Conservatives Call on Trudeau to Reach out to China’s President Over Detained Canadians” Robert Fife, Steven Chase, January 8th, 2019, The Globe and Mail,

“Here’s what you need to know about Canada’s “extraordinarily permissive” new spying laws” Monique Scotti, February 6th 2018, Global News

“Spy agency expects foreign actors to attempt to sway public opinion online” Rachel Aiello, December 6th 2018, CTV News,

“The Trudeau Government peels back bill C-51 – mostly” Justin Ling, June 20th, 2017, Vice News,

“Man who hijacked plane with detergent box to protest human rights abuses in Myanmar fights to stay in Canada” Adrian Humphreys, January 7th, 2019, National Post

“Man formerly detained in China recalls appalling experience” Andy Blatchford, January 7th 2019, The Star,

“Canadian Spy Manual Reveals How New Recruits are supposed to conceal their identities” Dave Chan, December 22nd, 2013, the Globe and Mail,

“Just 3% of Canadians Can Name The Communications Security Establishment: Survey” Sean Kilpatrick, November 8th, 2018, the Canadian Press,

“RCMP admits to using secretive spy tech to track Canadians’ cellphone data” The Canadian Press with files from Rahul Kalvapalle, April 5th, 2017, Global News,

“RCMP officer asks Trudeau to look into secret spying allegation” Stephen Maher, May 15 2018, Maclean’s,

“CSIS chief calls commercial espionage “the greatest threat to our prosperity”” Catharine Tunney, December 4th, 2018, CBC News,

“Secret documents say Canada’s no-fly list poses “national security risk”, but a fix is still years away” Brian Hill, November 29th, 2018, Global News,

Up to 100,000 Canadians could be affected by no-fly list, research suggests” Robert Fife, December 11th, 2017, the Globe and Mail,

“How can Canada condone torture?” Gerald Caplain, November 24th, 2016, the Globe and Mail,

“Canada will use intelligence gained through torture if it will save lives” Bruce Campion-Smith, September 25th, 2017, the Star,

“The difficulty of due process in the age of counterterrorism” Colin Freeze and Shar Fatima, May 22nd, 2015, the Globe and Mail,


“Linking Immigration and Terrorism is Wrong, in Canada and elsewhere” Phil Gurski, November 12th 2018, the Ottawa Citizen,

“Canada betrays its own citizens. Hassan Diab’s case if among its most egregious” Neil MacDonald, September 15th 2018, CBC News,

“Why is Canada sanctioning Saudis while ignoring Iran?” Danny Eisen and Sheryl Saperia, December 11th 2018, the National Post,

“We are all Jamal Khashoggi” Julian Sher, December 7th 2018, the Globe and Mail,

“CSIS, RCMP need more access to foil serious acts of violence” Phil Gurski, December 17th, 2018, The Hill Times,

“Why we had to settle with Omar Khadr” Steven MacKinnon, July 26th, 2017, MacLean’s,

“We need real, honest debate on Bill c-59” Kent Roach, Stephanie Carvin and Craig Forcese, December 4th, 2017, the Globe and Mail,


“Lip Service Paid to Human Rights During UN Counterterrorism Week” Letta Tayler, July 9, 2018, Human Rights Watch,

“Counter-Terrorism Methods Must Not Compromise Rule of Law, Human Rights, Secretary-General Stresses as, High-Level Conference Concludes” Secretary-General Press Release, June 29, 2018, the United Nations,

“Edward Snowden: “The People are Still Powerless, but now They’re Aware” Ewen MacAskill and Alex Hern, June 4th 2018, The Guardian,

“Where America’s Terrorists Actually Come From” Uri Friedman, January 30th 2017, The Atlantic,

About the Canadian Civil Liberties Association

The CCLA is an independent, non-profit organization with supporters from across the country. Founded in 1964, the CCLA is a national human rights organization committed to defending the rights, dignity, safety, and freedoms of all people in Canada.

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