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Daniel Konikoff (Interim Director of the Privacy, Technology & Surveillance program) and Tashi Alford-Duguid (Staff Lawyer) made a written submission to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs regarding Bill C-47, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament. CCLA is responding to Division 39, a section of the bill which proposes amendments to the Canada Elections Act that would further entrench political parties’ exclusion from meaningful national privacy legislation.

See here for the written submission: Bill C-47 LCJC Submission

À propos de l’association canadienne sur les libertés civiles

L’ACLC est un organisme indépendant à but non lucratif qui compte des sympathisant.e.s dans tout le pays. Fondé en 1964, c’est un organisme qui œuvre à l’échelle du Canada à la protection des droits et des libertés civiles de toute sa population.

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